Snowmobiles are for Sissies ........

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Dice captured my attention with Battlefield 2 on the PC 5 years ago and I sunk in many hours destroying enemy tanks, capturing bases, stabbing foes with unknown teammates online then fast forward 5 years with nothing much happening on the PC side of things, comes Battlefield Bad Company 2. The original was on Xbox 360 which I did not pay attention to untill the recent release of the sequel.

Dice has delivered an exciting game in Bad Company 2 with both the single player and multiplayer worth paying the full asking price.

Single player Story
Dice is not known to have single players in their Battlefield games until Bad company. The campaign is very well thought out and consistent all the way through to the end. You play Marlowe, one of four military rejects sent on a mission to stop a sinister plan invloving high class weaponry being used in the United States which takes you through jungles, icy weather conditions and desert lands. The story might not be your cup of tea but it works for me

The single player gameplay is great in many ways and the guns you carry around have weight and fire realistically. It might be linear but it is fun all around. The best part of the single player campaign is your squad members in terms of providing comedy along the 6-8 hour ride. These guys are funny as hell period. They also take shots at Modern Warfare 2 with phrases like "Snowmobiles are for sissies", which is funny. One problem with the members is that these guys do not die and their shots only kill enemies 20% of the time which makes the player carry all the killing weight but if you overlook this minor flaws, the singleplayer is fun.

Dice has a spectacular track record with multiplayer gaming and they have the best online fragging platform around. The main reason to buy this game is the multiplayer. The maps are varied and large and on the PC side you get 32 players with modes like conquest and Rush being my favorite. Joining squads is easy and you can decide to start a squad and also go out alone. If you are killed, you can spawn on a captured area or spawn close to your squadmates.

There are 4 class to choose from which includes:
Assault: If you like the fun of just assaulting enemy base
Engineer: If you like fixing and rpgs
Medic: If you like healing
Recon: If you like to hide and put a bullet in an enemy's skull

Each of this class comes with special military paraphenalia unlocks. The more you earn points, the better the guns, equipment and tanks. You also get bonus rewards for focusing longer on a single class. For example being an Engineer longer gives you better rpgs for blowing things up and the same goes for other classes.

Presentation and Sound:
Character animation and the whole atmostphere are done professionally and Dice pays very close attention to detail. Looking for cover and staying long is not wise because almost every structure in this game including the structures in the multiplayer maps can be destroyed with the right weapon so always keep moving. Overall, Bad Company 2 runs beautifully with all the eye candy turned on with 8X Antialiasing with Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion and DX 11. I recommend playing this game with a quad core processor to enjoy all the physics this game has to offer.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a spectacular online shooter with a great single player campaign that offers great value for anyone looking for a more than 200 hrs fix.