A common question asked about this game seems to be whether it's better that MW2. the answer: by far.
The campaign takes place during a war between the U.S. and the Russian federation. The Russians have obtained important information to make a bomb that could end the war and defeat the U.S. outright. Predictably, your squad, so called "bad company", must stop them. The campaign is fun if generic, with a predictable plot and casual missions. Nothing new to see here.
the selling point of this game is not the campaign, however, it's multiplayer. It is here that you will spend most of your time. There are four game modes, conquest, squad deathmatch, rush, and squad rush. Conquest is the simple "control point" layout, while squad dethmatch pits four separate teams against each other, which makes for some intense firefights. Rush is my personal favorite, where one team attacks and one defends. The attackers must destroy several "M-com" stations on the map section before losing all of their reinforcement points to move on to the next section of the map, while the defenders try to kill off the attackers to prevent them from destroying the M-Com stations on the last map section, in which case they lose.
Though the graphics aren't great, they're definatley doable, and the gun sounds and voice acting are impressive. The main improvement of this game over other FPSs out there is the destructable environments. Practically anything can be destroyed, even housing foundations. This adds a whole- nother level of realism and tactical gameplay. A sniper in that house keeps killing you? no problem, hop in a tank and blow that house up, or call in a mortar strike to deal with your foes.
Bottom Line
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Singleplayer: 6/10
Multiplayer: 10/10 I would actually say 11 out of 10- best multiplayer out there
Replay Value: 10/10
Battlefield bad Company is definitley a game that you should try out. If you don't actually buy the game for the price tage of $60, at least download the free demo from xbox live. I assure you that once you play it for more than an hour, you'll only want to stop for when you go down to gamestop.