Just what your looking for...

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3

I will start my review by letting all the people that want to hate on this game comparing it to Modern Warfare...THIS IS NOT MODERN WARFARE! nor is it better or worse obviously the success of the Modern warfare 2 game was amazing and yes it was a shooter just like this game the difference lies in personal opinion which nobody can say what is better. Now to the review of this absolute MASTERPIECE of entertainment and I call it that because that what this game accomplishes it entertains you for hours upon hours with so many amazing moments you only wish you could record and in that note I go straight to a couple of things that I think this game is missing and the only reasons why it didnt get perfect scores all around the board for one if you are playing the game on normal mode ( not hardcore) then the game loses some of the gameplay aspects that make this game great like the realism unlike MW2 you dont have to empty your entire clip on a enemy and hope to god they die but when you are in this mode you do have to really give them some good hits before they go down I think they should have made the guns a little more powerful especially when shooting from long range. There is nothing more annoying than sniping at a perfect location hitting more than ten people with a really good snipe shot to the chest and not getting a kill come on. Now if you play on Hardcore (snipers heaven) almost every snipe shot instant kill which is perfect for skilled snipers and also laying down cover fire for objectives, the game modes get a whole lot better when playing in HC now of course you do loose the maps and targeting which themselves make the game AMAZING. The level of online multiplayer is amazing the maps are HUGE to say the least everything thing is destructible and ever changing not kidding you could have an amazing spot taking out enemies left and right but once they find out you are there you better run! This isnt a fast pace shooter where anybody can get a 30-1 kill death ratio you would be the luckiest man on Earth, but if you practice you can become elite and extend your life time well beyond the new recruits. If you are looking for a shooter that really blows your mind time and time again with memorable moments this is the shooter for you. theres nothing sweeter than being hundreds of meters away from your target only being able to see his head aiming your sniper rifle two inches above his head pulling the trigger and watching the bullet curve down and kiss the face of the enemy nowhere else can you get this feeling only on BBC2!