BFBC2 kicks ass simple as, and beats its main market competitor mw2 by miles.

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
BFBC2 has recieved a large hype other than MW2 its the first game I have seen with billboards to it in my hometown and it does deserve at least a rental it has had a lot of effort poured into it and it is a great FPS but just some very annoying aspects (that may even only be problems for me not you) stop it from being an awesome game.

Now Im afraid I played this game when it first came out but because I went abroad for a bit I kind of lost track on things, I completed campaign on hard before I went and played a bit of the multiplayer, and at this stage it was very good however at this present time (Aprilish) things have changed a bit... and I am afraid I will compare this to MW2 as this was the only reason i waited so long to review MW2 so I could put these two in perspective with one another

First off singleplayer, now this isn't too great but still good, Unlike most games BFBC2 has the destruction 2.0 engine making it the most destructible game I have played other than Red faction guerrilla (which can you believe I thought was too destructible...). This certainly makes it stand out from the crowd and despite reviewers knocking it saying it doesn't really have a story I did feel for the characters and thought the last mission (blasting down hallways with MG3) kicked ass, unfortunately the campaign is short and I believe the difficulty is too easy (completed on hard difficulty first day) and the only annoying thing about it other than that is the amount of weapons, considering the fact that it has very few weapons I could list them here (if you are bored here you go XM8, MP-443 Grach, MG3, T-88 LMG, AN-94, AEK-971, USAS-12 Auto, TOZ, Type 88 sniper, M95, SPAS-12, CARL G, M60, F2000, SCAR-L, AKS-74U and thats about it (other than variations like red dot sight). whereas you have double these weapons in multiplayer if not more than double considering you have 9 weapons per class (9x4) + about 20 assorted guns for all (9x4+20) then have the 4 anti tank weapons available to the engineer (9x4+24) and you have about 60 weapons for multiplayer which is many more than the single player campaign which I just simply dont get surely it should only be a few weapons and the other way around? other than this and the fact the campaign is quite short there aren't many problems I like the superweapon, the antagonist and the good AI which loves to annoy you by blasting away your cover just as you do the same to them.

Multiplayer is where this game really shines. The multiplayer kicks ass, you no longer feel like you are in a set piece area in a fight it is much more like an actual battlefield, the guns are remarkably detailed and even slight things like the attacking team parachuting in while being hit by flak fire really makes it fantastic, throw vehicles into the mix it becomes very heated and be prepared not to have many campers in buildings considering you can bring them down with the destruction 2.0 engine, but it doesn't make it so easy to destroy buildings that the defending team in the rush mode has to use each other as cover, the remains of buildings that have been destroyed also stay and can be used as fairly effective cover still. Also to reverse what I said about the lack of guns for singleplayer, the sheer number for BFBC2 is magnificent. It also has an unlock system that I haven't experienced much before. You unlock weapons in the class you use with points now personally I am your all rounder soldier so obviously I use the assault rifle pack (and unlocked the M16 last night) and those who use the engineer class will end up getting SMGs etc. but as you continue you will find it difficult to upgrade classes, I have recently had trouble with the Recon class (I played virtually no attention till I got back from my abroad trip and this meant that by the time I came back everyone was using M95s with x12 optics and spots and meant the only way I could level up with it was by using the SAIGA I had unlocked for all classes... because I simply couldnt compete with guys who had that stuff), this problem occurs for quite a lot of people and does mean you may be stuck with one class for abit. However on Thursday 15th april (actually sometime in May XD and by this time had unlocked all guns in all classes including getting to Level 22 and getting the G3 for all classes) there is a release of the SPECACT bundle , this will allow (for a small price) people to get the best gun in each class with a camouflage and new uniform for that class so may make it easier to spread your wings and delve into other classes which does appeal to me but the fact that this is necessary does annoy me. final problem with it for me is the medic class... I just think they are too powerful, bloody 100+ round magazines, extremely accurate, powerful and have ability to heal themselves... really does make them overpowered... and they only have 2 minor set backs, their last LMG has the highest number of points to unlock and their LMG has a long reload time as usual (and because of the problem I mentioned earlier where everyone is using the best weapons and Im still using the bloody PKM is just irritating in the extreme). Other than the Medic class and the massive gap between the best weapon in a class and the first unlocked it is excellent, I like the game modes with only one thing I think they could have done better... put in some more bloody maps I can list 5 of them and that is all they have for rush mode (Arica harbour, Laguna Presa, Port Valdez, Isla Innocentes and Nelson Bay) other than that there are no more maps... make a couple for us VIPs DICE?

The game is very fun, the destruction 2.0 engine really does make it fantastic and only some minor "AVOIDABLE" problems really changes it for me anyway if you want a comparision check out my MW2 review but other than that this game deserves a slightly better rating plainly because of its destructibility, good looks and incredible multiplayer and it beats MW2s arse in my opinion plainly for it being more realistic and not having the most rip off scheme behind it.