Phenomenal /Can not be missed.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
Battle Field Bad Company 2 is on the of the best FPS games released up to date.

It is a great game that can not be missed by any FPS fan out there and who wants a break from Call of Duty.
It offers so much in terms of innovation and has certainly made significant improvement over its predecessor Bad Company 1.

So to start off:


- Amazing graphics, if you have played the first bad company, you would remember the grainy texture on the screen and the lack of world detail. Well now this has changed, Bad Company 2 offers a very sharp image and the makers has defiantly paid attention to detail. Dist-ruction is now more realistic, trees move when wind blows and so does snow and sand. It gives you a true feeling of a battle field.


- The sound is phenomenal in this game, it is obvious that non of the sound files were compressed at all. Accompanied by the great graphics, this game offers amazing sound quality. On regular speakers you would be able to hear anything, even if it was fly flying next to your ear. The sound that the guns make are realistic and they are all unique. Everything sounds so sharp and that adds up to the gaming experience.


- The game offers a a very interesting single player campaign with lots of action that take place around different locations in the world. The controls are easy to get used to, the characters and their voice acting are really good. The A.I is smart does know how to behave when bullets start flying around.


- Bad Company 2 offers a great multiplayer experience, with so much to do and unlock in it, it will keep players wanting to come back and play more. There are many guns a player can unlock, and everything is divided into classes : Assault, Recon, Medic, & Engineer. All classes are balanced and the more the variety of classes on the team, the higher the chance of wining the match.
Medics can heal and revive people, Engineers can fix and destroy vehicles, Assault can supply ammo, Recon can provide cover and call out enemies.
The maps are big and there is always a different way of approaching an objective. The game offers several game modes a player can choose from.
Rush: Objective based, you advance though the map as you destroy stations or you lose if the defenders eliminates your re-enforcement tickets.
Conquest: You capture bases around a map and the first team that eliminates the other teams re-enforcement tickets wins. The capture point only act as spawning locations. The more you capture the more location you have to spawn and surprise the enemy.
Of course there is team death match which we all know how that works.
Communication has been fixed from the previous battle field games. Now you can hear other people clearly.


- the game offers a great gaming experience, and a great multiplayer.
The problems that were found include the fact that you cant play with more than 3 friends.
A map can handle up to 12 people a game. A squad is formed out of 4 people and communication is limited only between you guys. If others join you game, they wont be able to hear you even if they are on the same team. This is a major problem that struck the game.
another problem is that some times there are some hickups online, in which you and your team will get booted. It doesn't happen often, but it is still there.

In conclusion, Battle Field Bad Company 2 is a phenomenal game, regardless of the 2 mini problems mentioned. It is team based, realistic, and fun to play.
DLC is already being released and it will not get boring.