Battlefield Bad Company 2 more like best online shooter 2

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
The best part about Bad Company 2 is the online.
all the online modes are fantastic, the guns, the maps, the players are all very non noobish. First the guns very realistic I love how you have to aim a little above the head to that perfect head shot. BOOM. The maps all are pretty set up even. There is no advantage
to the defenders accept when slapping them in the face at the last objectives there's a little defender advantage. The players when ever I play with random people they aren't dicks to anyone and you can really meet some great people I got half of my friends playing this game and more people keep trying to add me. I recommend this game to anyone that wants a hell of a fun time shooting, blowing up buildings and just have a fun time.
gamer tag: young_reckless82 on PS3. I'll see you there. :)