Great Shooter Game.. Hindered by minor flaws and minimal features

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
I've always been a fan of FPS.. The true test of your gaming rig is playing with very demanding FPS' games like these. EA doesn't have a good record of optimizing games to run on run-of-the-mill PC's.

Battlefield is not your typical straight up shooter game.. It's not one of those generic FPS games that focus more on graphics than the story line. The game is great, but it has some drawbacks that the developers should have fixed before releasing the game. They've got no choice though. EA has always been strict with release dates. They always tend to rush things and will sometimes lead to a lot of problems. When you're buying an EA game, you can expect a lot of patches.

Great Features

Destructibility - In this game, the word safe house doesn't mean anything. You can hide inside a bamboo or even concrete house, but when an RPG comes your way. Get the hell out!

Vast Space - The game lets you roam around desserts, jungles, and rivers. It gives you enough space to roam around and enjoy the graphics.

Adrenaline Fun - What could be more fun than being chased by an attack helicopter armed with missiles and a .50 caliber Gatling gun? May not be as adrenaline packed as Call of Duty, but it will certainly raise anybody's heart rate.

Physics - Since it's made from the makers of Call of Duty, the physics is great. Driving feels solid. Shooting has recoil and the environment reacts to what you do with it.

Storyline - The story has its twist and turns. May not be as dramatic as Call of Duty modern warfare 2, but it's enough to get two thumbs up...

Areas for Improvement

Cut scenes are limited
Damage to vehicles
Too Easy
Stupid A.I.