Alright, first off, the game looks nice, the graphical environment
is cool, thought the weapon is kinda big, and it's a bit annoying to get use to it, cause u can't see your right side almost at all.
The dificulty of the game is easy for ppl who spend a lot of time gaming, it won't be a problem to finish it in like 5 or 6 hours (that was what took me to finish it aprox), of course if you don't keep losing over and over, anyways, it could have been done better, on the other hand, character textures and models are highly detailed, as well as dialogs are ok too, though i can say the AI is very stupid, and can be easily killed, the sound is great, also a very nice variety of weapons to chose from, but i must say that the thing that impressed me the most is that u can destroy almost any structure in the game, which means that if you're taking cover behind something, u must make your move fast or there won't be anything else to run for cover, another thing was that there is a lot of smoke/snow and explosions, that is constantly getting you immerse in the game, (i loved the smoke fx). Now the bad is that the game is too short, and of course it doesn't have a @#~€€ing LAN option nor Coop, that sucks, honestly i'm gettin tired of that (steam/online checking bull#@~t!), so... my final conclusion, a game that looks nice, short story and already been made, entertaining, but it could have been done much better