When the word ''cover'' loses its meaning...
Im going to try to keep it simple and straight to the point.
The story is the typical blockbuster/action movie-ish,you being part of a badass team that jumps headfirst into suicide missions.
The cutscenes are well made,very cinematic and mostly hillarious.You really get attached to the characters,who have great chemestry between them.The most entertaining cutscenes since GTA IV.
Technically,the game is nearly outstanding,the visuals are superbe,it runs well on medium settings,on my old Nvidia GeForce 8600GT card.
There is a big variety of weapons and not-too-dumb enemies that will keep you playing.
I havent completed the game yet,but I dont think I got anything wrong in this review.Final conclusion: if your Pc can run it,then you got to have it.
.......oh and I forgot; you can blow up allmost EVERYTHING and drive a sh**ittload of vehicles.Enjoy