Isn't worth the money. Story mode is way too hard and the online mode doesn't "glide". Just don't get it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
Okay so I bought this game thinking it would be great, but what a mistake I made there! I play the online mode first and it seems that the controls aren't smooth and it's unrealistic. Since when did it take 3 seconds for a bullet shot out of a sniper rifle to travel 150 yards? I'll tell you when, NEVER! And the maps just aren't fun. It seems like whoever made the maps had no originality. And the players don't play as a team so it's no fun when you are left out to die because someone is off getting kills instead of caring about the objectives. And don't make me start about the way you get guns in the game, it's just stupid and boring. So when I was thouroughly dissapointed I moved on to the story mode, which wasn't much better. I played on medium difficulty (shouldn't be too hard right) because I usually play on that difficulty when I start a game. So I go through the first mission with a little bit of trouble, but eventually I make it through. On the second mission I had a little more trouble. At one point I kept repeatedly dying and I didn't know how! It was so aggravating but I made it through after about my 15th try on the same part. So I start the third level. I have to restart a few times after dying, no biggie. But once I get through all of a sudden a speed boat comes flying down the river that's next to the area where I'm fighting. I see it and an objective pops up that says find the RPG and blow the boat up. I weave through buildings while looking for it, but always moving because the boat used a weapon that kept blowing the walls up. So I'm going and going and I can't find the stupid RPG anywhere! So I end up dying repeatedly looking for that stupid RPG. And that's when I realized what I really dislike about the game. There's no guide as to where to look for the object you're trying to find. No marker or anything. There isn't even anything to remotely guide you where to go. So after so many times dying that I lost track, I quit and turn it off. A few weeks later I turn the game in and that's it. This is my personal opinion, but I would never have gotten that game if I had known had bad it was going to be. I pay 60 for it and end up getting back like maybe 15. So I think this was a huge let down. If you follow my advice, then I say steer clear of this game.