Anyone who wants to enjoy gaming without having to lead the whole team and have LOADS OF Fun this game IS for YOU!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
This game is like a revolution which happened fast!
If you play the game you will see the amount of details and effort put in the game! The game it self has a good story-line and lots of guns!
If you don't get enough of that then the comments of the whole Bad Company (Haggs, Sarge, Marlowe and Sweet-Water) will wake you up in the morning! The whole single-player campaign is like a cake and the multilplayer is like all the cream and frosting!
There is (as I said) lots of little and big details in the game but the shooting and the gameplay may prevent you from seeing all of the "beauty"! This is one of the IMPORTANT things this game is NOT to be COMPARED with MW2 ( Modern Warfare 2) because they are 2 different games and 2 completely different developers!
Each game is special for its own "kind" and i know lots of people would agree and disagree with me so this is my own opinion!
One thing I should mention is that the multiplayer gameplay witch is loads of fun! Unfortunately the game requirements have putted some PC's to their knees so to say and that can be a problem (Not a Major one) but still a problem! Still i gave this game a rate of 9.5 because that missing 0.5 is me with my PC not being able to run BF:BC2 properly but those 9.5 go directly to the whole game (Story, Gameplay...) So i would like to thank all those members of GameSpot for Reading this! And yes this is my first review and yes i have the game :D