One of the best games played to date

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
I will give this game props for an insanely fun campaign which feels a lot less constricted and less linear then most FPS campaigns. The dialog from your squad mates is snappy, witty, and down right hilarious at times. If you find a situation where you can just stand for a bit they'll go off rambling about random topics from their favorite scene in Predator to their childhood. This made the game feel much more involved and the character development is so much better and immersed then similar games. The cut scenes are again funny and do tell a story that's not to shabby. I loved this campaign so much more then the MW2 campaign but they both have crap and gold in them.

The multiplayer takes a little longer to get used to as its not full of random nades and it actually takes more to get a kill then other similar games. The weapons aren't as customizable as you unlock sights and attachments by level not by gun. This doesn't slow it down any as they only increase the ease of getting a kill slightly by increasing the accuracy a tad. The fact that you can use vehicles is a giant plus as there are very few games where you can battle it out with tanks, helo's and race around on ATV's to secure that perfect sniping spot. In any case its a very classic Battlefield multiplayer.

A nice touch to both campaign and multi is that you can destroy buildings, props, walls, towers, and fences. This just makes it more real world and forces you to think about you actually play the games because if that wall you're hiding in blows up and theres a hole there, its not going to end pretty.

So go get this... It's worth every single penny.