Bad Company decides to get serious, but will it cost the game it's soul?
The campaign, despite it's more serious nature, is a blast. The game never seems to difficult or cheap, the weapon collecting is a great bonus and the setpieces are fun. You'll shoot your way through snowy tundras, expansive forests and swamps, large cities and even in an airplane. The destruction you leave behind could make even the most impressive movie monster look like nothing, and the pace is great. My biggest plot based complaint however, is the size. Modern shooters seem to have extremley short campaigns just to force more online multiplayer down our throats, and sadly, Bad Company 2 is no exception.
The multiplayer, on the other hand, is mediocre at best. The kit systems are okay, but aside from a few cosmetic changes all of them play extremley similarly. There's no balance in the players, so a level 1 new player can enter a fight with all level 25s, while this isn't normally a problem, in Bad Company 2 you get extra weapons, abillities and tools as you level up. This could have been thought out much better, and the experience is very meh.
Overall Bad Company 2 is a great rental or borrow from a friend, but I don't think I could give it higher than a 7.0 if I had bought it.