Potential to be a great game and technical issues. That's it.

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
Battlefield Bad Company 2 has been praised over the last months as one of the best, if not, the best FPS in this generation. It's a beautiful game, it's mega fun and solid. But, is it that solid?

The campaign, although not the main mode in the game, is very good. The story is just right, full of clichés but whatever, you won't be spending too much time in this. You will probably start with this as your enemies are not as difficult or intelligent as human beings, but believe me, the AI is great. Sometimes you'll feel that is, indeed, too much artificial, but, overall, it rarely disappoints. Gameplay is awesome. It's fun, intuitive and fluid. The game puts you in a situation where you just need to start a killing rampage. And it lasts the entire game, opposite to its rival, MW2, which can be seen as a slow turtle compared to this techical stallion. Whoopsie-daisie. That's not entirely true. although visuals are excellent, the destructive environments just beautiful, with great lightning, stupendous effects and graphic prowess, sound is just broken, unrepairable and it stains the entire experience. Voice acting is just ok. But sound breaks take that glee from the game and it leaves you like "wtf just happened?". oh, and this happens in both single and multiplayer modes. Multiplayer is awesome. But again, broken by the stupid bugs, as EA has been accustomizing us throughout the years. Soldiers going through solid walls, again the sound breaks is what you'll see the most. But, if this didn't stain the experience and let us play the game normally, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Well, it is. You'll often get killed by others just because you got stuck in a tree or something like that. Though these setbacks kind of ruin the entire game, you'll get much fun from the multiplayer. An experience points system and 4 classes of soldiers to upgrade will keep you occupied for a long time, as well as the many conquest and rush modes which require great tactical and team based playing.

Battlefield could have been an excellent game, but again, the EA folks just ruined it again. Nevertheless, it is a great experience