Very linear and short single player game with unaccessible multiplayer and broken punkbuster support.
Single player is not all that fun. The game is so linear that its like playing in a hallway. There is NO room at all for mobility in the single player game. You are dedicated to a very narrow path that often gets you killed before you ever see the AI fire the kill shot. The game has many graphic glitches that constantly pop up and cause artifacting and or bizarre visual errors. Running the game in SLI mode with 2 GT8800's and later 2 580's in SLI the problem persisted. Even the latest Nvidia drivers failed to resolve the issue.
Guns, well if you were looking for a nice long list of guns to play with in the SP campaign, well sorry dude. Not going to be happening with this title. You are relegated to a set of boring weapons that have more limitations than benefits. Not one single gun in the game is worth the effort to carry. (Unlike games like Farcry and Crisis.)
There are far far to many cut scenes that take way way too long to get through. The campaign is also very very short and about as satisfying as a forced march through the desert with no water in full winter gear and combat load.
The game does nothing well. It is as if EA went backwards in game development here. The game isn't worth it and I suspect that is why the price has fallen so rapidly for this game title. The public knows a broken POS when they see it. I just wish the reviewers of this game were honest with us instead of putting the EA pay check first.