For $15 this expansion is more then worth it, and far beats any map packs that MW2/BO will push out for the same price.

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam PC
I truly can't think of anything wrong with this expansion right now, it's got the awesome music, the skins of the characters and weapons are just awesome (all the weapons have this rustic/used feel to them) and the thing is only $15 which as a pretty good deal considering when BF2: Special Forces came out, it was about $30, and gives you more then any crap maps that MW2 or Black ops will push out for the same price.

If you own BC2, this is a MUST buy expansion, it should hold you out until BF3, and if you get a little tired of Vietnam, you can easily switch right back to BC2 Modern gameplay without even having to close the game.

The maps are pretty well done, some are very wide open and makes for great sniper battles, but also give you many routes to choose from while having trees for cover to sneak in.