bugs bugs bugs! yet another overrated review for this poor excuse for a Battlefield game

User Rating: 3 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam PC
Bad Company 2 was and still is a total bug fest. Bullet proof leaves, bullets that seem to having homing abilities, poor hit boxes and nades that have different damage ratios.

FPS games have really taken a dive in quality and Vietnam adds to the mess in what is a follow on from the bugs in the original. despite having a good graphics card (ATi 6870) - the graphics are very poor - but good games are about good game play and this is where BC:Vietnam really falls short.

Combat is fast paced and totally not thought out, as its now even easier to totally baserape your enemy as they spawn since shelter is lacking. Combat should be fun and games should be hard fought, if victory is to be rewarding - yet its not.

It's such a shame that the BF series has gone the way of Call of Duty with its kill fest approach and there is little reward for team work. BF3 had better be a vast improvement as this is the last time I spend any money on the BF series

Sure its only a tenner but that doesnt really mean that the game should be lacking in quality.