Tempting but no dice (almost but not quite)
i first started reading reviews about this game earlier today, and didnt know who to believe. some ppl said it was great, others hated it; but honestly, its just average, nothing special, but on to the review
the first thing u'll notice is that EA put a lot of detail into each map (there are 5), however the graphics have seemed to down grade dramatically. not to ps2 or original xbox graphics but there is a noticeable difference if compared to BCompany 2's original multi player. the maps aren't special, there just... oh kay. matter of fact, despite the great amount of detail, some maps still appear to be quite dole or uninteresting, and in some areas there isn't as much cover as you would have hoped for. as for the layout of each map, they are done fairly well, but the environments are not nearly as destructive as you would have hoped for... there just isn't as many things to blow up. and for some reason they thought to make one of the maps the exact (and i mean EXACT) same color as every player, so anyone can be just standing there shooting and you would never know it was the enemy until you died. in that maps its difficult to see each person, but you have to get used to it.
2nd the weapons aren't as unique as everyone was hoping for, they remind you of the same sets you start off with in the original multi player, making the same exact sounds and handling the same way. matter of fact, the only difference u'll notice in these "new" old guns, is that they look a little older and don't have scopes (with exception of the snipers). i also feel that the other guns handled much better and it was easier to aim, chances are, u'll find yourself wishing for the guns in the other multi player. speaking of the guns, unfortunately, the FLAME THROWER (which was such a hype up) SUCKS!!! u'll find yourself using it less and less, the more you play. its virtually worthless.
overall, this new mode is nothing special. its literally the same as before with different ppl and weapons, and it doesn't bring that "new car smell" to the game. its just the same old stuff as before (with a sucky flame thrower). if you ask me, i feel like its EA's way of keeping up with COD's Black Ops
because everything is basically the same, i give it an 8.5... it is fun, just nothing new... i hoped this review helped