Another broken addition form DICE!

User Rating: 2 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam X360
I am not saying that this game is not fantastic! I am sure it is when it works correctly, but after 3 days it has turned into another broken addition. No weapons score when checking up on how I might be going, and I don't like those blank bullets, come on I am sure when you shoot some one with a shotgun in the back twice they would crumble, but no! they turn around and shot me, and all that from less the 10 feet. The lag fest is another thing all together, shot some one with a whole clip of M60 bullets at some one, all seem to do no damage, get shot, die and presto the enemy that killed me has 100% health! Must be those damn blank bullets I am using.

Don't get me wrong I would really like to love this game, but after I had the same old problems with the Onslaught mode, yes another add on to the game, I should have known better. The game looks OK but still the maps are restrictive, sure lots of nice things to look at in the distance, but don't wander of to much or you are out of bound. But I could live with that if this game would work correctly, so sorry boy's and girls, based on this broken add on I can't give it a better score then 2, and that's based on the classic song that plays in the main menu, other wise it would have been a big fat zero. Just a shame I don't get another refund on this broken add on from DICE.