The best game i ever played it is very realistic unlike any other first person shooter games I've played
After i finished the campaign i went to try and get the platinum trophy for it so i got all the trophies for campaign in just one day it wasn't really hard to do it was very simple to complete. Now when i first got a chance to see what the multiplayer was like i was a very good player. The class i usually play with is assault which is great for games like rush, the engineer class is actually an anti vehicle
class for getting enemies out of your way, the medic class is for defense usually in rush they would stay with teammates and revive them when they die and lastly the recon class great for stopping rusher that are trying to get into your base. My favorite guns are the M16A2, PP 2000, M60, and the GOL. As you can see theses guns are from different classes. I am a level 50 in BC2 i am ranked 865 in the world but i stopped playing for awhile so who knows where i am now. Anyways this game is really great to play i hope everyone will enjoy playing this.