Battlefield offers the best online multiplayer experience, a nice soundtrack and a campaign that will amaze you!

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 X360
Now, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is not some average shooter where you run and gun. This game is a masterpiece because of the multi-player experience, the great single-player campaign, very nice soundtrack and themes, the huge and beautiful maps, the realistic gunsounds and then the destructible enviroment.

This shooter fixes flaws that most other first person shooter games have. Remember in Call of Duty when there is that sniper in the window but you can't shoot him because he shoots you before and if you can shoot him, he can shoot you? Bad Company 2 fixes this flaw because you can blow the house down, make the roof break, destroy walls or just drive a tank into the building and shoot in the window.

You may be thinking "Tanks?", "Vehicles?" now. Yes, there are vehicles. There are helicopters, jeeps, ATV's, tanks, boats and water scooters! These will be your favorite toys to destroy and use.

And remember when you kept getting spawnkilled in the small maps? Bad Company 2 fixes that flaw too by offering huge maps that look beautiful and are perfect. Why are they perfect? Because all the capture points are positioned in good places, there are many hiding places (For example, you could hide in a bush and not get spotted because the bush looks A LOT like the camouflage)

Another good thing in this game is that if you have some friends that have this game, you can form a squad with them and use teamwork in Onslaught mode DLC or in any other game mode. You will have the greatest taste of Bad Company 2 when playing together with your squad.

Bad Company 2 also does NOT offer buyable map packs, but you can download free ones. In games like Black Ops. you buy 4 maps for 1200 microsoft points or 15 $, well Bad Company 2 offers a expansion for that price with 6 vehicles, 15 weapons, 5 maps and 2 hours 60's soundtrack.

The single-player is great because of all the options you can choose, the big maps offering many different ways to go and flank the enemy. The single player campaign is also good for it's humor, actual cutscenes instead of just military maps and dramatic.

There are 3 flaws with Bad Company 2 though, you cannot go prone, there is no co-op campaign and no local multi-player.

But it did entertain me more than any other game, this will be my favorite shooter until Battlefield 3 comes out.