I feel this is some thing I have to say, this game is kind of bad, yeah....
I'm kind of tactical shooter guy, that means I play games like Arma, Ghost recon, Operation flashpoint, Old Rainbow 6 (Vegas 1 and 2 can't really call tactical shooter anymore), I understand this is no military sim, but oh man, this game feels more fake than a lot of other FPS games.
I will not talk about any plot or anything involve storying lines, just some random things that I feel not right.
Poor gun reloading animation. I mean I don't need to say much about this, you should know what I mean.
No prone. Is this supposed to be a military gene game? I mean I understand this is no military sim, but come on, no prone?
Most of the guns have extra large magazines that store either 50 or 60 bullets. I mean it just feels not right, how can an ak74 has a magazine this big?
Some of the guns can't aim with iron sight, for example, ak74. Guns that can't aim with iron sight usually have the poorest accuracy you can imagine; even thou it's an assault rifle with a silencer.
No rate of fire selection. You often face multiple enemies at one time, firing control not only helps with your accuracy, and it helps you save a lot of bullets too. Often I found myself pouring bullets towards enemies and even my extra large magazine can be drained off so easily.
The explosives are too weak. Yeah, they can blow a hole on the wall, but sometimes they cannot kill a guy? wth?
Think about it, if you do not score head shots on enemies, they take a lot of bullets to kill. This game makes bf2 feels like a military sim(I said BF2 coz they both made by the same developer).
On single player, enemies will just pop out when you get near them, and if you are too far away from them, they will just disappear, this makes any thoughts on getting to an over watch position entirely pointless.
On single player, your teammates = useless. I mean gee, they will just stand there and getting shot at. The good thing is they can't die…..well….yeah.
You can't order your teammates. Yeah, fine with me, coz I know I'm not the team leader, but why doesn't the team leader lead and giving orders? He just merely follows you. I understand this is bad company and everybody wants to live and not to fight, but man, this is so ridicules. What if you actually died? These idiots will take hours just to kill a few enemies.
The AI can see through thick brushes, fire through walls. Well, this is the reason I feel this game is a joke on Single player. I don't mine AI headshot me form like 500meters, but please make sure they will not see through brushes or any other places that the player cannot see through, especially for SNIPERS, TANKS. This makes entire concept of flank and stealth entirely pointless. (Unless you telling me all the snipers, tanks in this game equip with thermal goggles, which I don't think so coz I drove those tanks and picked up those rifles form the dead snipers before. So obviously they cannot see through some grass and magically spot me.)
Poor inventory selection. Ok, you have the direction pad (up, down, left, right buttons) which was not utilized, you can't choose your weapons using the direction pad like most of other fps does, and you have to press L2 or R2 to circle your weapons. I mean I'm fine with it, but it just feel strange and it takes some time to get used to it, especially if you playing FPS like dragon rising, far cry2 etc. Why not up for the Primary weapons, left for the secondary weapons, down for the special tools, and right for the healing ward or whatever you call that, why not like that? Most of the fps do that why not this one?
Generally, like I said, single player is crap. It gives me a fake realistic feeling, the running, how the missions were introduced, you feel realistic, but once when you starting to engage in fire fights, it does not feel realistic at all. The plot…is there any plot? PS: I hate haggler; he is one of the lamest characters I ever seen in FPS games.
The multiplayer is ok, I only played a few matches, to me, bf2 is still a lot of more fun than this, one game mod, lack of realism , and some problems mentioned above generally makes me forget about online play.
Yeah...that's pretty much about it…… I can't say I'm looking forward to BC2, but hey, it might be a lot of better….
I hope.