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User Rating: 3 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
This game isnt bad neccesarily but its far from good. the problem with this game and it is difficult to describe so stay with me its just not sharp. it lacks polish. it needed to be tightined up. When you are shooting someone whether online or offline its just not sharp. the aiming seems to be off just a hair but it makes all the difference. COD 4 has a the best shooting mechanic out there (you could argue for rainbow six). this game is not COD by far. When shooting in COD you understand how the bullets travel, how far they go and pretty much what your htting and where your hitting. This is not the case in Bad company. also you cannot lay completly prone, the sniping is too easy, if you thought the noob tube was a problem in COD wait till you see this game its out of control. There are not enough online game modes or vehicles the people who spawn first will get the vehicles, there is absolutely no team startegy. people dont even talk barely at all. its just not sharp enough its not polished enough to compete with COD4. i bought this game because COD has been getting old but this game makes me realize how much better COD is. This game is for the mindless player, the guy who just wants to run around and pray and spray and not think too much. the truly skiled players and those who take FPS seriously will hate this game as I do.