Another great addition to the Battlefield Series

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Anyone who has played and enjoyed the previous BF titles will surely love this one.

Bad Company is the first BF game to have a story driven single player campaign. The story itself although told before in other media specifically the Three Kings film is exceptional and engrossing. You play the part of Preston Marlowe assigned to bad company for a particularly bad incident involving a helicopter. While carrying out your missions for the army in an unknown war zone against Russia your squad comes across gold bars and begins thier quest that takes far and wide in search of thier fortune. The campaign works similar to a BF multiplayer when you die you respawn as if nothing happened, the enemies you defeated before dying are still dead and that Battle tank that just ran you over is still parked with its gun pointing at the rest of your squad.

The multiplayer is where it is all at though. The BF series is famous for its amazing multiplayer gaming beginning with BF 1942 and the events of world war 2 leading up and into the future with 2142 fighting a futuristic war over the last of earths precious resources. Bad Company is set in modern times similar to BF 2 and BF MC. Most of this gameplay has been carried forward however the established game play has been improved in places.

The biggest improvement by far is destructable terrain. Is that pesky sniper in a window giving you problems fire a grenade at him and laugh as the wall in front of him turns into dust!!! When compared to BF 2 there are several more weapon and equipment unlocks all varying depending on the particular class ranging from laser designators to medical injectors and 50. Cal rifles to UMP sub machine guns.

A new game mode is available in Bad Company and is called Gold Rush. two teams attackers and defenders have to attack and defend 2 boxes of gold bars at several bases. If the attackers destroy both boxes the frontline is expanded and a new base is established for the defenders with two new gold boxes. This carries on for about 3 bases before a win is incurred for the attackers. The defenders win simply by destroying the opposing forces tickets represented by a red bar that depletes with every attackers death. The familiar conquest mode (capture the flag) is being released fairly soon so look out for it on XL.

Overall a very good game but there are some niggling issues. IMO the weapons seem very underpowered and the laser designator is ridiculously over powered. No death revives using shock paddles (Defibrilators). Lack of available helicopters and a small range of maps. The squad system and communication system is absolute rubbish and could have been implemented exactly like that used in BF 2142 or even BF 2.