Battlefield with a campaign, awsome!
One thing i really was anticipating about this game was that it actually had a story driven campaign! You are an army reject sent to Bad Company and you play as the new guy. Your a 4 man army and you basically take on an entire army by yourselves. The members in your squad are quite humorous at times and i really started to like them. As for the gameplay it is awsome that you can blow up anything you want and i think Dice really did a awsome job with the Destructible environments. It plays like alot of other FPS campaigns where you kind of run and gun, hide behind cover, heal your self and repeat. Which some people may like and others may not. Overall the Campaign is nothing Spectacular, but i was just happy that it had a campaign.
Now on to the MP
This is where the game starts to stand out among other FPS. As of now their is only one game mode which is gold rush (they plan on releasing Conquest mode later on in a update) In Gold Rush their is an Attacking team and a defending team. The attackers try to destroy the gold crates by either blowing them to hell with explosives or planting a charge and waiting for it to blow up while defenders try to disarm the charge. While of course the defenders just have to try to stop them from blowing up the charges while killing the attackers so they run out of reinforcments.
Dice did a really good job on balancing the maps so their is a fair chance for either team to win. Their are vehicles such as, Helis, Boat, tanks, and jeeps. Yes their are still destructible environments online an they work just as good SP does. Their are 5 diffrent classes you can chose from (Assualt, Recon, Support, Specialist, and demolition) with each class you get to select a gun and you can buy more guns as you rank up. Another neat thing about the online is that you have squads of 4 and you can chose to spawn with your squad, or at a safer checkpoint.
My favourite thing about this game is that you feel like your in a real Battlefield. The explosions are very nice sounding and looking and the gun fire is in my opinion the best in a video game. Another thing is that you don't find many campers in the MP just because you won't get any kills if you camp. And this encourages people to actually play the game mode and makes for alot of fun.
I reccomend this game to anyone who likes FPS.