Not the best battlefield game in the series, but it's definitely an enjoyable one.
I played through on normal difficulty and the game felt just right. I was having a hard time in the later missions but nothing seemed impossible. I had numerous ways of dealing with the enemy, which i enjoyed very much.
I would sometimes snipe them from really far away, or use the airstrike beacon on the structures to soften up the areas. Still, it was challenging enough to where i could not cheese through it.
The sensitivity on the analog was way too aggressive when giving full input so i had to tune that down to 3 bars. Movements and driving felt a bit sluggish but worked fine with the pacing of the game. My only complaint was with the camera settings when in 3rd person on the vehicles. You could easily get into angles where the vehicle would block the entire field of view. Also, almost every vehicle seemed to have trouble climbing small slopes and hills.