A very good game if you buy it for just the gameplay. SPOILER WARNING!!!

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
Storyline:If you're expecting a great storyline, get it out of your head now. As stories go it's pretty standard: A bunch of misfits, (Haggard, the explosion happy greedy redneck. Sweet-water(note the name as properly written is censored for some reason, but that really is his name!) the standard geek who lusts after the military radio operator which he's only ever heard, not seen. Redford: the gruff Sergeant who transferred in just to get out early. And Preston, the main character, who seems to be a standard grunt with a large penchant for Vehicles, he got transferred their because of something to do with a helicopter.) They end up being sent out, going AWOL, then sent out again, then cut out because of plausible deniability. The other members aren't there for anything but comic relief and telling you where to go, mostly they just stand back immortal and killing a single enemy out of the twenty you manage to kill. On the other hand they are rather funny at times, and the main enemy of the story is a rather cool looking and sounding with an impressive cool headedness. *grins* I'm not going to mention Sedar except in passing, cause he's just too funny ruin.

Multi-player: Graphics: Really good, the environment is almost fully destructible, if you end up fighting a tank or a bunch of rocket-men, expect what ever cover you're using to be nothing but a skeleton. There are tons, and I mean TONS! Of explosive materials lying around, usually the ubiquitous red colour. Most of the time the enemy is not QUITE close enough to be killed by shooting the explosives, but they provide good explosions and are an excellent way to get rid of the enemies cover, once the smoke clears anyway.
Sound: Pretty much the best I've ever found, the chattering of the guns is unique, you can always tell the difference between a soldier, a medic, or a demolition man's primary weapon. The rocket's and tank weapons are sounds are superb, and you can always tell from the sound of the engine when any vehicle is getting closer.The difference between firing inside and outside is excellent, the extreme echoing effect of firing a machine gun inside a house leaves you wondering why your ears aren't ringing, and the way the sound effects change seamlessly when you leave a house or wander into a part that's been demolished makes it all the more better. Speaking of ringing in your ears, that's what you'll often think is really happened to you once your character has been hit nearly point blank by an explosion, and the greying out when your character is badly hurt makes it even more disorienting, as it should be!
Game play: Truly sweet, you can feel the difference between each weapon and you'll sometimes end up debating whether pure rate of fire or just damage are better. The zooming in for all guns allows increased precision and realism. The sprint mode allows a character to get to cover quickly and the characters normal pace is a pretty decent speed as well, the crouch mode allows you to remain in cover, as well as giving you more precision. I really wish however that you could roll out of cover like I've seen some of the enemies do, that's bloody cool! The vehicle controls are all simple to use, and you can switch view points by simply clicking the R3 button. The radio is a fun enough gimmick that I wish I could have it in the tanks and Helicopter. I also wish the golf cart was available on the multi-player maps, it's fragile as anything, but it's got a good turn of speed. Also, the helicopter is difficult as hell to master at first, but after you get used to it it's truly devastating.
Gadgets: all the gadgets are truly useful, though I have no clue about the motion sensor frankly. The medics mortar strikes are wonderfully devastating. The Sniper's laser designator makes you wish you could use it on more then vehicles. The Demolition's Mines are perfect for static defence and their Rocket's are perfect for fighting armoured vehicles, though useless against helis unless they've been tagged. the Specialist's C4 makes for perfect ambushes and their tag trackers make enemy vehicles lunchmeant! And Assault's Life-2 is absolutely necessary for when some of the idiots who play as medics ignore you.
Classes: each different class is different enough to make one specialised, but are also good enough they can fill other roles decently if you really have to. The Assaults with their assault rifle and grenade launchers make for perfect rush tactics, and their guns are decent enough to make decent sniping weapons if necessary. Demolitions Rockets are perfect for taking out enemy vehicles and they can blow holes in walls from long range to remove enemy cover or give access to the inside, their hand grenades and shotguns make them perfect for inside fighting and it is NEVER a good idea to fight one close up. Recon's bushy regalia make them blend in almost perfect with under brush, and their sniper rifles are powerful and accurate, make sure to kill them before they manage to lock on to your vehicle or you'll regret it. Specialists are made for ambushing people, they're primary weapons are all designed fro spray-and-pray tactics, and their extreme rate of fire combined with silencers make it so you're often dead by the time it doesn't make a difference going to sights or not. Support is a good all round character perfect for healing fellow players and vehicles, while laying down a hard rain on the enemies heads, it's best to use them to provide covering fire and healing, always make sure to check if those who come up to you need healing, if they're hanging around in your face they need help! and they might shoot you if you don't, I certainly will.

All in all it pretends to be nothing that it isn't, nothing but guns and great combat all the way round, everything else is just to support