BF:BC is some one of the best things to happen to consoles this year.
where to start. Bad company has so many good things going for it that i really dont know where to begin. with an amazing and hilarious single player mode, and battlefield's trademark multiplayer, bad company definitely is THE game to own this summer, possibly (though probably not) of the year.
That being said, now about the game itself.
The single-player was a blast to play, which is something i wish i could say about more games. In a surprise twist, not only does a battlefield game finally have a story, it's actually FUNNY! the levels are well designed, never letting you get bored of something before it throws something new at you to play with. the checkpoints are spread liberally, and unlike similar game COD4, it isn't as mean to you (as in, dosnt kill you at every mistake) on harder difficulties. BUT. while i personally dont take offense to this, it hase the same respawn system as bioshock. basically, every checkpoint is like one of whatever the thingies in bioshock were. as in, when you die, it dosnt restart. you just move back. all the enemies stay dead, vechiles blown up, etc. not what i was expecting. it's too bad they never got to put in co-op.
on to the multiplayer. as of this writing, all that's out now is gold rush game mode. while it CLAIMES to be new, it's just defend/destroy the base, that most have played before. the classes are pretty well balanced, but the awards/etc. are not. many are purely ridiculous (52 kills in a round-GAWD), while otheres are, at present time, nearly impossible (how are you supposed to destroy a helicopter of the same kind when on nearly every level, only one side gets one?) nevertheless, it still suffers the same issues that other games have. i.e the guys that spend hours and memorize everything get really good and the game inadvertently keeps them getting better, while the noobs...mostly stay noobs. also, guns and unlocks are a little odd. most guns are basically identical to one similar guns, and the unlockables aren't really that much more powerful than regular, non unlocked guns. so there are no guns (yet) that are simply better than others. anyway, i've taken up too much time anyway. i can hear my squadmates yelling at each other across the room. apparently the noobs couldn't defuse a bomb that was completely unguarded. gotta run.