A fresh addition to the Battlefield World.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
The world of battlefield has been around for quite some time and has seen conflicts raging from World War II, to Vietnam, and even into the future. Bad Company takes place in a not to distant future with forces from the United States, Russia and the MEC fighting amongst each other for control.

BF:BC is the first in the battlefield universe to introduce a single player story, while not as deep as one could hope for, offers more then enough thrills and laughs to keep you rooted to your tv. You take control of a soldier named Preston, who's been transfered to Bad Company. He had a 'mix up' and due to his mistake was...well, play the story and you'll see. You fight in a squad of four and fight in a number of locations. You'll soon learn throughout the campaign there is more to the fighting then what meets the eye. Which results in a fierce chase after gold bars. The single player is short and is on the easy side. Lasting only some hours, it leaves a good enough impression to at least satisfy any destructive desires you may have. One thing that stands out mostly about the single player is the fact failing at it is close to impossible. Regardless of how many times you die, you simply respawn at the closet check point. Any enemies killed up to your death...remain dead. Only on certain parts of the game, where you protect, or the helicopter level can result in a game over. Single player is fresh, and enjoyable. But thats not where the game shines.

Multiplayer is where the game truly presents itself. Conquest, which was recently released adds a fresh addition to the online experience. Gold Rush, the original mode plays as follows. Two teams, one attacking and one defending, duel over gold crates. As attackers succeed in destroying gold crates, defenders are pushed back into new bases, which usually results in armor or air support being unlocked. Its rather simple to play. You receive points for all your actions, which helps the player level up quickly in regards to other multiplayer games. For those who played past battlefield games, conquest will be very familiar. Capture flag points while using tactics to run the enemy tickets dry. The more you kill, the quicker your team will win. You'll play in squads of four on either mode and be able to communicate with those other three members on your team. Team work is important, so work together using the different classes to succeed.

Battlefield Bad Company is a fresh new look at the universe that battlefield has to offer. I highly recommend it, for its rich multiplayer and single player experience.