Destructible environments, great multi-player, and the best single-player in the series makes this game fantastic
In single-player, you actually get a story now, it revolves around B-Company, also known as Bad Company. Bad Company is filled with all of the misfits of the army. You play as Preston Marlowe, who just got sent to Bad Company for a reason not revealed in the game, but a quick read of the instruction manual will tell you what happened. There is also Haggard, Sweet water (spelled differently for censorship purposes) and Sarge. Single-player lasts about as long as you would expect for a first-person shooter. It is pretty easy though. It doesn't get very challenging at all until you hit Hard mode, which I have heard people compare to Hardened for Call of Duty. The reason for the easy difficulty? A respawn system that can easily be taken advantage of.
Say you drive around and you see that it's saving. As it's done saving, you can drive forward and run over everything you can, get killed, and will respawn in the car, with all damage you caused in-tact. This makes it ridiculously easy to get through what should be hard parts in the game. Also, you get a auto-injector which heals you and has a quick cool down time. You will be using this a lot.
However, all the cons aside, it is an enjoyable single-player. It takes itself light-heartedly, which is very nice to see in a war game, and the destructible environments make for some tough moments in this fairly easy campaign. Also, the single-player achievements are pretty easy, they just take time to complete. I got all 610 GamerScore with a couple of weeks.
Now, for multi-player. They have two modes in Battlefield Bad Company, Gold Rush and Conquest. Conquest they might include in newer games, I'm not sure, but you might have to download it off the marketplace, but it's free.
In Gold Rush, you are either a defender or attacker. If you're a defender, your job is to defend gold crates so that the attackers don't get any more reinforcements. Your job as the attacker is to destroy all eight gold crates (they must be destroyed two at a time before the next two can be revealed) before your reinforcements run out. You get more reinforcements for each base (or two crates) you destroy. The problem with this mode is that the defenders have a huge advantage over attackers, as they basically just have to stay near the crates, while the attackers have to be very strategic. If you get a good team though, you can win nevertheless. It is a very strategic mode, and an original one, so it is definitely very fun to play.
As for conquest, in each map there are five outposts marked with flags. You can either be the U.S team or the MEC/Russian team (the MEC in some maps, the Russian in others) and you win by reducing the other teams tickets (giant bars at the top of the screen) to zero. To do this you must have at least three outposts. The tickets decrease faster if you have more, however. This mode is a Battlefield classic, and it is still very fun. You will find that certain spots there are a lot of enemies, so you might want to go around them to their back base *hinthint*. Anyway, it can get strategic, but so much as Gold Rush, however, neither team has an advantage.
In multi-player there is one major problem. No team chat. Instead, you're stuck with squad chat, so you'll be chatting with three other people instead of the entire eleven other people on your team. This can lead to lots of mishaps, so try to make sure you don't call a mortar strike anywhere near a teammate or something like that. You could see your rep go down if you do.
Overall, this is a FANTASTIC game to get you through the Summer. If you don't mind the minor flaws, you can get through this game not wanting to stop. The destructible environments are a nice curveball, as this means there is no cover. At all.
Single-player: 7/10
Multi-player: 9/10
Graphics: 8/10
Gameplay: 9.5/10
Overall (Not an average): 8.5/10