BOOM blow holes in stuff 5 hours later yay blow more stuff up 10 hours later please just open the door

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
Hiya yall

Was impressed for the first 5 hours but from the start in the back of my mind i was feeling is this going to chance i am sorry to say now it doesn't.

You are a highly trained soldier trained in... EVERYTHING! there is no weapon you can operate, no vehicle you can not drive or fly... after all that training....... DID THEY FORGET TO TRAIN YOU HOW TO OPEN A DOOR? You want to enter any building with shut doors you have to blow your way in

Opposing forces never miss you your ability to stab your heart with a needle every time you get full of holes to instantly heal (kinda like an x-man who shall remain name less *cough* Wolverine *cough*) After all the times you stab your heart through the game your heart should be like Swiss cheese.

One huge plot hole is, all that gold you will discover through the adventure in huge metal boxes where is it all kept? The shooting is very little fun the inability to hide from the shots makes it frustrating when fighting out side of vehicles a pain. You also seem trained at repairing, calling in air strikes and Your team mates, you'd do better having a post box as back up at least you can hide in the street that way.

After all it's faults it still can be a laugh i couldn't get a good enough connection to the online to comment fully but what i did see is a bit lag luster

Recommended if you can get it on a sale

Thanks for reading

Blood Diamond