This game has probably the best online I've played. Even better than COD4. Thought COD4 isn't far.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
This game is solely one player but still great fun with friends. The graphics are great along with the game play. The single player campaign is certainly something to look at. Unlike other FPS games, it really seems to actually have a story that actually plays out like a story instead of world war 2 or something, or some terrorist organization. But anyway, overall it's really great. There's a ton of weapons but some you only get by doing some dumb thing online witch is pretty stupid but their not all like that. It's a really solid game and their aren't many cracks in it. The online, again, is the best part. I'm sorry but if you have this game and don't have Wi-Fi. Your missing out. On online you can either be attackers or defenders. Obviously the different modes speak for themselves meaning if your attacker you attack and if defender you defend. It's really terrific all in all, graphics, game play, sound (though you might need some good speakers to really here it the best). It's definetly a game worth getting. (please feel free to track me)