A good rival for Call of Duty 4...
Battlefield Bad Company is an EA game.Yeah...never thought I'll say this very soon but EA has made a good game.For all of you who are tired of Call of Duty 4 or just want to take a break from it,Bad Company is a great choice.
Graphically the game looks brilliant.On an HDTV it looks really good and you can really see the whole detail in things such as weapons,enemies and the world around you which looks pretty real.The only not so great thing about the graphics is the character faces,which look like those from a PS2 game.Besides that everything looks great.
Sound is great.From the sound of bullets coming out of the weapons,the big explosions to the superb voice acting.Eventhough the storyline isn't that good,the game still get's you going because of the great cinematics,in which at least half of them have something funny about them.
The biggest and most important aspect of the game is the destructable gameworld.Almost everything is destructible and that just brings a whole lot of depth to the experience.You can make you way into a building by simply blowing up a wall and then making you way through the enemies to proceed.It's a lot of fun and you can't get bored with it.The gameplay is solid and eventhough there isn't much innovation,the game still has it's moments.
This game is worth buying,it offers a great solo campaign and a good multiplayer experience.
My Score 9.0