This game has an "OK" single player that gets it going, with some AMAZING MULTIPLAYER!
User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
Ok, where should I start. With Singleplayer, i guess. The Singleplayer gives a little brief tutorial and gets you in the mood to blow stuff up! There are seven missions, with a fun and happy ending. The graphics are super. with a few grainy textures but that hardly takes away from the fun, because, the graphics are near Call of Duty 4 Perfection. Explosions handle really nicely, and they look great. Sound effects, no comment. It was like they recorded the real thing shooting. When in a house you can hear the echos of the gunshot, which is very good. Compared to Call of Duty 4, Bad Company scores. Ok, time for Multiplayer. Well, the multiplayer is true quality. It is so very fun with the vehicles and the large maps. You can approach from any direction, except out of the red border. There are five classes, Assualt with a Assualt rifle and grenade launcher, and a syringe for full healing(unlock). Then comes Recon, with a sniper and pistol, and a laser designator(unlock). Specialist comes next, with a silenced SMG, a tracer gun, and C4(unlock). Support, with an LMG and Medikits, with a Motar Strike(unlock). Finally, Demolitions comes last with a shotgun and a rocket launcher, with some anti-tank mines(unlock) of course!. Conquest has been released in August and is a very good idea, aside from gold rush, the only other variation of game mode. Conquest has only 4 maps aside from the many gold rush has, and i would like to see more maps for conquest to be added. Its not as pick up and play and as short as Call of Duty 4, but it is a game that takes a little bit time settling into. When you do, you'll start getting headshots with that sniper before i can say "BAD COMPANY RULES"!!!