Pure fun.
The story in this game is good and funny, you're a small squad of 4 men, you got shipped to the army , when you could of been put in jail for what you have done. You start out doing around 2-3 missions for the US army fighting against Russia for oil. In the 2'nd mission you get in a fight with a mercenary group. And you find out that that mercenary group is rich in gold, so your squad decides to abandon the US and go out looking for the mercenaries gold. Octa Non Verba is what the mercenaries' group is called ( if I remember correctly ).
The game-play is pure fun and to die for. The graphic's are amazing.
The really fun part in Bad Company is that you can blow up walls and most of the house's, you cant destroy the floor's but you can destroy most of the house and anything outside, you can put craters in the ground, cut down a hole forest. Almost anything is destroy-able in this game.
The game will last around 6 hours but there's collectables that will keep you coming back for more, you can find really good guns that are hidden in house's or other place's. then there's gold box's you can find. The gold box's just give you achievements once you find hafe & all of them, so does the guns but its still fun to hunt for them.
( I have got all of the single player achievements which is 30/50 of the games achievements , I wish I could get them all but I don't have XBL, and that also means I cant tell you how XBL play's out , sorry , but I heard that XBL is the best part of the game )
This game will bring you fun for a long time. And even if you don't have XBL still buy this game. you'll have fun with the 6 hour story and tons of fun finding collectables.
This game gets a 9/10,the reason I give it a 9 and not a 10 is because I fell like modern warfare is better and it deserves a higher rating.