One of the best multiplayer games this gen.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Battlefield Bad Company may just look like another ordinary shooter, but this game is impressive with its destructible environments to make it one of the best online shooters this gen.

The single player in Bad Company is pretty typical and it would probably be the weakest point of the game. The story is good enough to get you interested with the characters cracking a few funny jokes and a few bad jokes depending on your taste. The worst part though is the AI. The enemy AI is OK but don't expect a challenge from this game because even if you die you basically just respawn and all the enemies that you killed are still dead. You do get plenty of weapons to deal with and with the Frostbite engine you'll have fun blowing up houses and tearing down obstacles.Overall the singleplayer is pretty good for the first Battlefield with a storyline in it but it could defiantly use some work

WOW! This is one of the most underrated games in terms of graphics. The explosions are great and when you blow down a wall with your grenade launcher with all the dust and debris that falls down its great. Another thing that I personally think is great is that if you watch someone reload, they actually take out the clip and put in a new one. With any gun. Shotguns they actually pump them! Comparing that with COD4(not bashing COD its a great game) where they just touch there gun then there chest and then there done reloading. Other than that everything looks great, character models, explosions, textures,etc.

Another highlight for this game is defiantly the sound. Its awesome. When you shoot a gun in this game it sure sounds like it. When you shoot a bolt action gun you actually will hear the bullet casing hit the ground. The vehicles sound great along with explosions, charters yell for a medic or waring others of incoming grenades. Combine all this together and you sound like your in a true battlefield.

The gameplay is like COD in a way with the way you aim down the iron sights of your weapon if your using an assault rifle or a LMG. If not, then you zoom in a little bit. The way you heal yourself is also unique. Instead of just hiding behind a rock and magically heal you have to use an injector to replenish your health. In singleplayer you always have this, but in multiplayer you only have it on the assault class and you have to rely on your fellow support members to give you medi packs.(discuss multiplayer later). All in all the gameplay is good if you enjoy games like COD.

This is where the game shines. The way the multiplayer works is you have 5 classes to choose from, Assault, Support, Recon, Demolition, and Specialist each with unique abilities. (Recon is sniper which can have a JDAM laser designated bomb to destroy vehicles, Assault are the basic infantry class, Support are the medics with LMG's, Demolition are anti vehicle with mines and RPG's, and Specialist are the stealthy types with C4 and silenced SMG's.) The mode in Bad Company is Gold Rush and that's where there's 2 teams, the attackers, and the defenders and the defenders must defend two crates filled with gold while the attackers attempts to destroy the crates. Once the crates are destroyed, more of the map is available to fight on with new crates appearing, along with added reinforcement numbers. The attacking team has a limited amount of respawns to achieve their goal of capturing the 3-5 gold stashes either by setting charges or simply destroying the 2 crates of gold at each base. The defending team has an unlimited amount of respawns available, but their goal is to exhaust the attacking teams respawns. There are 25 ranks and unlockable weapons making this a great online shooter

Overall this game is great in graphics, sound, and gameplay. This game shines though in multiplayer. The games singleplayer needs some work so Bad Company isn't worth it for just singleplayer.