Best FPS ive ever played

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
This game continues to blow my mind at how addictive and good it is. I got this game around Dec. of last year and ive been playing it almost daily ever since and theres a reason. This game has very good and addictive multiplayer if you give it a chance. In my opinon this game blows Halo and COD out of the water. You may think this game is crappy and cheap because of the 8.5 review and 20$ price but think that and you will miss out on this fantastic game. Battlefield 1943 isnt quite like this game and I dare say that Bad company is better. So if you liked Battlefield 1943 this game will be an instant hit with you. The vehicle play is amazing the best ive ever seen put into a FPS. Although the helicopter takes some getting used to. The Campaign is alright but if your only getting it for the single player its not that immersive. Ive played COD4 and i dont understand why some people think its better than this. With the destruction,awsome vehicles,and huge fun maps this game ought to be one of the best games ever so far.