Bad Company is a very unique game, I do not think I could recall ever playing such a odd but also very fun Fps. I mean first off the voice acting is just down right amazing, they really nailed it with the way certain characters sound like, from Haggards southern sounding voice to sweet-waters geeky appearnce and voice. This game is also very, very huge! I mean they do not just throw you out onto the entire map but they will give you certain huge chunks to drive/walk around in. That alone makes Bad Company a very enteraining game. Just running around this huge world you really get the sense of "your not alone" and boy does it feel great. The story to Bad Company is pretty good I do not want to spoil anything but it will loving this game. The combat in Bad Company tho lacks a little. I am not that big of a fan of how arcady Bad Company feels, I think it has a fun combat but just does not feel right. Another really bad thing about Bad Company is enemy AI, they pretty much know exactly where you are once you get in a certain distance of one, so do not even think about being stealthy in this game. Another bad thing is this game is EASY! I played the game of the hardest difficulty and found it like a walk in the park :D.
Bottom line I feel that this is a soild game, not the best game ive ever played, but a game ill always remember for the rest of my life. BTW I cant wait for the second one!
Other Helpful Reviews for Battlefield: Bad Company
I think that this is my favourite game,i play it all the time and in my opinion i think its one of the best shooting games i have ever played,the single player mode is ok,but not the best,here's why... 1.Your team does ... Read Full Review
Battlefield Bad Company is a game that has its ups and downs. The game puts you in the body of Preston Marlow, the newest addition to B Company. All the rejects get sent to this division. B Company, nicknamed "Bad Compan... Read Full Review