Blowing more crap up.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
From announcement to release the fans of the Battlefield series had to wait a long time for Bad company to hit the shelves, but oh baby is it pretty. Everything in this game is shone to a high polish, and that includes the single player campaign.

You play as 'new guy' Preston. You get stuck into B-company or 'Bad Company' instead of going to prison and getting court marshaled for some felony you committed (which sadly isn't explained as you play). You get some squad mates and a hard sergeant for company while you play, and to be honest they are hilarious at some points, which is a great change of pace. They're more there for story than too help you out with killing baddies you can't have everything in life. But they do seems to stay alive even after a tank runs them over so it all evens out.

The baddies on the flip side are polar opposites. They are ingenious, or retarded. I've seen soldiers reload in open space, but blow your cover to hell when they lob a grenade into the building your in and attack from every possible angle.

The main selling point is the ability to blew crap up. You can mow down an entire forest with a machine gun, blow up pretty much every surface of a building (but sadly can't bring the whole building down), and destroy vehicles all while listening to your squad mates argue while they are in a fire fight. It's all very good fun, especially once you gain airstrikes of a great variety. You can also use these airstrikes as much as you want whenever you want, which makes for very good fun again. However, the single play campaign doesn't finish well. You've pretty much discovered every super weapon to drive, fly, bomb, and fire about two hours before the end of the campaign. And when it's actually done and over with it's kind of a 'Oh' feeling, like maybe DICE just decided to stop there because they felt like it. And unless you are a trophy-phile you won't want to collect gold or weapons, it's completely pointless.

The multiplayer is great. Good connections on all fronts. The destructibility and vehicle values are great strategy elements. True to Battlefield fashion the maps are gigantic. There are your standard classes, and standard games. Exp is earned very much in the way it is in CoD. The only thing that's missing is a Co-Op campaign that probably would've been one of the best ever, and that makes me very sad and brings it down a whole point just for that.