I appreciate that everyone has their own feelings and opinions, but I just don't understand some of the harsh criticism toward Battlefield:Hardline. I'm really enjoying the single player campaign, it's not ground-breaking I agree, but still the best in the Battlefield series in my opinion. If I made one criticism toward single player, it's towards the AI, they're not very clever. Most of the time you will have a partner following you around in the missions, and on the odd occasion they will stand in areas you just wouldn't do if it were real life, for example... I was hiding behind a box whilst an enemy guard walked passed, but my partner was stood opposite in clear view, but the guard didn't spot her, stuff like that really. BUT! Battlefield is all about the Multiplayer and it certainly doesn't disappoint one bit. I thought I'd miss the hardcore vehicles that you get in BF4, but I didn't. It still has that Battlefield vibe, but twice the fun and then some more!
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