Battlefield Heroes is a free to play online tps shooter where you can create your own character and join a war between good and evil.

Two teams are available for everyone: The Royals and Nationals so our review's first part focuses on discussing both. The differences are not much but there are some things that are worth mention for example the look of vehicles,weapons are used by the heroes to represent each team's personality.The biggest difference is the number of players who actually play with each team because as far as I can tell Nationals have more players but I can't say for sure. You can watch my video review as well and choose which one suits you better.
There are three types of classes or casts you can choose within the game.
- Commandos: They are the fastest unit in the software who have 80 HP. They like to be invisible and stab knifes into the enemies' back. Commandos can use as I mentioned before: knifes, sniper rifles and pistols.
- Gunners: The slowest unit who have 150 HP. Most of the time they run like crazy with their mini-guns and shoot everything that are moving. These types of veterans can use mini-guns , shotguns and rocket launchers against armored vehicles like tanks.
- Soldiers: Mid-Speed moving unit who can shoot fire ammunition while healing others with their medic ability. They are able to use pistols, shotguns and sub-machine guns.
They have their own abilities for example commandos can put poison on their knifes to deliver extra damage when stabbing enemies. Gunners can barricade themselves with armor to have more defense against bullets and soldiers can throw multiple grenades to blast out hiding players from their "tunnel". I don't want to go into the whole thing, I leave this discovery to you.
The leveling system is excellent in making the product easy and fun to play because as you gain experience by shooting enemies, capturing rockets and bases you can actually boost your own abilities with heroic points after you level up each time.The Max reachable level is 30.
There are four types of modes where you can sharpen your skills:
-Team deathmatch: You have to capture enemy bases , defend them and as you murder your "friends" the number you see next to your flag's goes down and when it reaches zero that particular team lost.
- Capture the flag: Capture the en
emy's flag and return It to your base.Pretty simple right? Well pick one up and in one moment you're going to be very attractive to your opponents' guns.If one team captures 3 they win.
- Hero Of The Hill: Capture the rocket(s) and defend them as the time goes down. The one with zero time left wins the round.
- Team Elimination: Kill everybody. This is the only game type where you can't respawn after dying. You can inspect your friends how they play if you die.You have to win 3 rounds and the team that won all 3 goes to paradise.
Let's get into our beloved PC perception. The graphics are funny. It's cartoonish so the biggest positive point about It that it's available for everyone. it doesn't require a brutal PC but I'd recommend one of the latest graphics card to enjoy its full potential: The GTX 750.
You can change two things : The overall graphical quality( low-medium-high-very high) and resolution so variety is definitely lacking in this perspective but considering it's free to play we have nothing to complain about. The gameplay is fine although It can be very one sided which causes frustration or unbelievable joy. Everyone loves revenge. Repetitiveness is also here but the variety of maps, vehicles and the character design in an of itself can lower it down to an acceptable level.
This is the time when we have to mention the payers are winners aspect of the game. There are two currencies in the product:
- Valor points. They are earnable by doing optional missions like kill 5 players , capture 3 bases , reach 750 scorepoint etc and playing the game itself. You can spend them by buying widgets like health potions. You have the option to buy weapons as well but only for a certain period of time. Yes unfortunately if you want something permanently you have to have keys to unlock chests that contain items or get them through the daily free claw. The daily free claw is a mini game where you can use a claw to pick up an item from dozens.
-Battle Funds: You can spend it for everything. Yes this is the currency you can buy for real money and I have to tell you It is worth to invest 4-5 $/ month in it because everyday developers offer items for a discount and on rare days when you find yourself lookin' at a powerful weapon you can satisfy your appetite by buying one and shooting the enemy. You can feel the difference.

We would like to talk about the weapons because It is very important to mention that there are two types of them. Standards and their super versions. Super weapons have better stats but they are also more expensive (what a coincidence).Although It seems like variety is absolutely there It really boils down to these two. The developers can be very creative sometimes but most of the time they only change the looks of that particular "new" weapon. I saw someone wielding an alien (?) artifact and shooting lightning balls toward the enemy.
You can buy "workbenches" to your weapon which can raise your killing tool's ammo capacity or critical strike rating, pistols can have shotgun secondary fire etc.
You can find yourself playing additional events like the War Room which is very useful. You can attack a specific base of the enemy and as you earn score points your potential reward(s) change(s). I strongly suggest to play only in this event because at the end of each war you receive very good items (keys for example) based upon your performance so It's absolutely fair.
Conclusion and final thoughts:
The game is expresses itself which is awesome although It has some negative aspects like the potential repetitive gameplay but fortunately the slight advantages premium players can have don't ruin the whole experience so it's definitely a must try for everyone who likes shooting.