Best free shooter I have played
BH is animated in a cartoonish, nearly cell-shaded way that may initially discourage those looking for a serious shooter, thinking that the game is too childish. However, this game boasts a fun leveling system with class-specific abilities that you develop as you level, through ability points. Depending on your class (Gunner, Soldier, or Commando) you can acquire and upgrade skills to poison a knife, heal friends, or "cast" a temporary shield around yourself and teammates. Nearly all the skills are useful, depending on your play style, and you can re-assign your ability points at any time. This role-playing element of the game really adds depth to what would otherwise be just an average shooter, and makes it very good.
BH only has 5 maps to choose from, with three of the maps boast the use of tanks, planes and AA guns, which add a three dimension element missing from many games, along with another strategic element. Tanks are immune to small arms fire, but are slow add can be taken out by RPGs or an explosive charge. Planes can strafe tanks and jeeps with no worry, but are easily felled by AA guns and small arms fire (if in range). Jeeps have no on board weapons, but are quick and can run over troops on foot. Also, the sound effects for the vehicles will often have ground based troops looking over their shoulder, allowing a commando to sneak in with a poison blade for the kill.
On to the most important aspect of a shooter....shooting. Each class has a default weapon, with more available through the store (for either cash or points you accumulate through game play...more on that later). Gunners lug around a huge M-60 style machine gun that holds 130 rounds, but quickly loses accuracy over distance. Soldiers have SMGs that are best at midrange, and Commandos have sniper rifles. Each class also can carry a secondary weapon. I feel the accuracy is spot on. If you take a headshot with a sniper rifle from long range, you will most always hit. If you are a gunner and start shooting from the same distance, you will spray bullets all over the general area, hitting about 1 out of 5 times. It again, makes for some good strategic opportunities.
However, not all is perfect. The BH store was recently overhauled. It used to be that most weapons were available for 30 day spans by spending some of the points you gathered through gameplay. Items that did not effect gameplay, such as clothes or certain emotes, were purchased through real money. However, that has now changed, so that access to the "uber weapons" is only available for 1 day, unless you pay with real world money. However, that being said, the uber weapons are still not so overpowered that you can't make up for it with skill. In other words, a bad player with Uber weapons is still going to be taken out by a good player with default weapons 80% of the time. In addition to the store issue the game has it's share of whiners and annoying people, just as any online game. However, I have found that there are relatively few hackers (even though people always claim otthers are hacking just because the other player is good). I believe the relaxed, almost tongue in cheek atmosphere of the game helps keep the serious ever-complaining-super-serious players in check.
If you like shooters than you need to try this game. It is very addicting, and better than many shooters you need to purchase in order to play.