This is a sad excuse for a Battlefield game.
In Battlefield Heroes you can pick from two sides, which are The Royal and the National army which are basically Americans and Germans. Then you pick between one of three classes which are soldier, gunner, and commando. The soldier carries a sub machine gun, the gunner carries a big machine gun, and the commando use a knife and a sniper rifle and can turn invisible. Besides that there really is no story.
Now the game play is pretty much the same as other shooters, and that is one of the problems with this game. It feels like a stripped down Battlefield game that makes you buy stuff to make your character better. Now I don't know about every one else, but I would not want to spend my money on some costume or to rent a better gun. Now getting back to the game play, this game is very simple to control. It controls like a normal shooter, and the vehicles control like most other Battlefield games.
The goal of each match is like other Battlefield games. Hold control points and reduce the enemy's tickets to zero. The maps are kind of cool, but they aren't Dice's best maps.
Battlefield Heroes is a game that tries to reach out and get experienced players and non experienced players to play it. How they do this is by giving you like unlimited ammo. Making it take for every to kill someone, and every time you shoot some one, you get experience points which you can apply to skills. Now this means that some one can have no kills, but still be the person with the highest experience at the end of the game. Now, I rather you died faster and had less experience at the end of a match but had kills. To me getting kills is more rewarding then have a ton of experience points, but no kills.
Another problem with this game is that every time you play the game, you have to go to Dice's website and hit the big play button and then it will load and then you can play, but this can take awhile. Why wouldn't they allow you just to hit the icon on your computer screen and allow you to be right in the title screen?
Battlefield Hero's graphics look alright. They are cartoon graphics, but they do look decent. There are however some bad animations in this game. When tanks and cars are moving they just feel weird. Maybe it is, because, they animations are terrible! They look like they are floating instead of actually rolling on the ground. When you go down a hill, the car will sink into the ground a bit. But at least the vehicles control ok. But overall this is a decent looking game.
The sound in Battlefield Heroes really sucks. Not only does this annoying music play every time you are on the title screen or waiting for some thing to load, but the game is filled with stupid sound effects. I know this game is trying to be funny, but it isn't. Tanks make a stupid sound when they fire and other quirky sound effects will annoy you till you turn off your speakers.
Overall Battlefield Heroes was a disappointment. I was waiting a long time for this game and I was really excited when it came out but in return it just let me down. Battlefield Heroes is even bad compared to other free multi player games. If you like Battlefield games then you will wan to give this game a try, because, it is free, but if you don't. This game will only make you hate the series more. I just can't get over that Dice made this game. I mean Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, and Battlefield Bad Company. All those game were awesome, and yet this game sucked. Well hopefully Battlefield 1943, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Battlefield 3 will be better, hopefully.