The game is unbalanced and deceptive.
Now we introduce an Uber move we will call this move (just as an example) Flamethrower. Now its rock ,paper,scissors and flamethrower. with introduction of the flame thrower I now have the ability to burn paper and melt scissors giving me an advantage over 2 other players. But alas flamethrower cost money.
Now given the flamethrower can give you an advantage over the already free rock,paper,scissors makes it tempting to purchase the flamethrower to better your odds. Now here is the dilemma. Not all will be able to afford owning one of these shiny new flamethrowers so already you have a great chance over those that cannot afford to own one.
Now comes the kicker now we bring TNT,Ar10s,50 calibers all for sale. and then you start to see the feigning begin. For now you have the ability make yourself stronger then ever. So now you start thinking if I buy the 50 caliber well.......I'm gonna dominate with simple ease. and they do.
After all the craziness of adding all these Uber weapons the rock,paper and scissors that you start the game with free no longer looks good. And those that cannot afford to purchase the Uber look as if the 50/50 chance I once had no longer exist.
This is how this game of haves and have nots plays out. Those that can afford to buy Uber weapons sit with the high rankings those that cannot afford to keep up with the ongoing purchase frenzy are left with a sort of false money called Vp. Vp is points you earn by doing missions Valor points get you the ability to own Uber weapons for say a day. But Valor points are hard to come by. The example they make is that if you play say a couple hours a day you should be able to make valor points pretty easy.
Now lets talk about Bf. Bf are battlefunds that you purchase with a credit card. by using Bf you can purchase Uber weapons indefinite. Giving you the advatage by just a click of your button and a credit card.
This game is the perfect example of capitalism. By separating those from the haves and have not's you have created unbalanced playing field.
The game is simple your in third person you are 1 of 3 classes. Soldier (which is the only player that can heal for free) Commandos (snipers) and gunners heavy weapons. the basic premise as of this date is to take and hold flags or a rocket. There are Airplanes,jeeps and tanks on some maps. Now lets talk about maps. as of this date they have had a few maps 6 or 7 they play in rotation over and over. It takes them a long time to create maps. (they say it is very hard to create original maps) this to will make any game stagnant.
This is not a cheap game to own clothes guns and really immerse yourself in the game can cost you a lot of money. As of this date I have put in about 260 bucks in about a year. on clothing,weapons,surprise drop boxes. Don't get me wrong I have always thought this game has big potential. But the lack of interest in community and there ideas by the upper echelon of Ea has left a bad taste in my mouth.