Battlefield Heroes... fail
From Beta release till now there is a lot unfixed
BUG/mistakes/graphical issues!
Weak anticheat system...
Dam Punkbuster (anticheat sys) starts with ur PC.. WTF why
would people need one more program running while
its useless until you launch BFH! Comon EA make it normal!
FireWalls/AntiVirus/etc thinks that Punkbuster is adware/trojan/virus(whatever),
and if u block Punkbuster u will need REINSTALL game cuz BFH dont even have
selfprotecting system that checks is there anticheat on or off, if u
blocked/deleted it you will get auto kick untill reinstall.
Dont support Opera browser...
And if using Flock u get a surprise if u close game ur
browser will be closed too O.o
Team balance very often is terrible... sometimes with ur new created hero (lvl 5-8 u must play against lvl 20+)
Usual weapons vs BF weapons = team who have more usual wepons will 75% loose
(is all player skill level is the same)
Vehicle control is bad...
Cars still are total disaster...
Plane.. still hard to be controlled for new players, mostly plane prefer only skilled players
Tanks = OK
Air Defense.. comon sometimes their aiming is TOTALY out of crosshair!!!
Game is slow for fast and skilled players.. if u press about 5 buttons
(for example shoot>skill>reload>skill>enter vehicle ) one after another
in short time ur char will do only maximum 2 or 3 things of 5 what u ordered :(
(and thats not cuz of laag)
Graphical mistakes are awful (on max graphic too) u shoot at enemy but all bullets hits some invisible wall (world object invisible corners) before enemy!
Maps arent made balanced for both sides!
This game really isn't worth a penny...