It's free, it's fun, it rocks!
True, this is probably not the most realistic shooter I have ever played but the abstract gameplay doesn't take away from the fun. Using Tanks, Airplanes and Jeeps as means of transport, while playing the different classes (Soldier (Supporter), Gunner (Heavy) and Commando (DPS/Sniper) offers enough variation for many days and nights of gameplay. The choice of maps is still limited to only four, which can be somewhat redundant. We will probably see more balancing in the upcoming months (hopefully very little nerfing) as the games classes are not equally efficient as it is. The Battlefund system used to customize your character appears somewhat expensive for a very limited amount of enhancements to choose from, but there will surely be a lot of additions and special offers in the future. So, if you're looking for a shooter that doens't ktake itself too seriously, go ahead and give the game a try.