This game is just fun, addicting , and it succeeds at almost everything it tries to do.

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield Heroes PC
First off this game is free and fun so try it. This game has a variety of vehicles like tanks cars and airplanes. They all control well but the airplane has some minor steering issues making it hard kill anyone with it. .Though its really fun when you have 2 guys on the wing of your airplane. Now the game play it's self is pretty simple its kill the enemies till the team's score goes down or take control of the flags to lower their score. The weapons are pretty simple you have a few different kinds of shotguns and machine guns for 1 class. A sniper rifle and a pistol or a knife for another class and a heavy machine gun with a powerful shotgun for another class. But, it guts a lot better when you get abilities. Every 2 levels you unlock like a skill point which can be used to buy abilities or upgrade them. The abilities a very cool theres: flaming bullets, throughing 3 grenades at a time, blowing everone around you away, etc.. There are also widgets wich are like little perks that heal you. You can buy them with valor points you unlock for beating missions and playing good. You can also buy weapons with valor points but, every thing you buy expires which is kinda annoying. Another thing you can buy is clothing there is a wide variety of clothing. You can buy special clothes with battle funds which you have to use real money to get. The problem with that is you can buy items that make you level up faster which is unfair. This game is worth getting whith it's free price. I played through the beta and i'm still playing so I'd say this game is gonna keep you hooked for a while.