it's amazing and it's free.....................FREE
User Rating: 10 | Battlefield Heroes PC
I'll start out by saying that the game only has four maps, which is the only donwside but all four are amazing. Plus there will be more maps to come in the future. So anyway this game is free and it's so much fun, you can customize your character anyway you like by leveing up your player to unlock items in the store or you can pay real money between $5-$50 and get special weapons and cllothing for your character or characters. Gameplay is amazing you never get bored the people as of now are nice. there are 3 types of characters, solider, funner and commando, you can create four from the start and by more slots for more character from the store. Anyway i would pay 50 bucks for this game and since it's and amazingly detailed and fun i give a 10 out 10 i don't what other people are thinking when they rate this, but the game IS FREE.