A free battlefield game, is it to good to be true?
Gameplay: 9.0
Definitly the highest point of the game. It stays true to the typical battlefield formula. You capture flags and kill people. The more flage you have the points the opposing team losses every time you kill one of their men. It's not revolutionary but it's still fun.
design: 6.0
Now I'm gonna start out with the posotive's then get to the negatives for the sake of you not getting the wrong idea. Going back to the original battlefield games there are only 3 classes. These differ quite a bit and are well ballenced. The soldier has a lot of good special effects putting it's self in the place of a support charecter. The gunner has more health and stronger guns than any other class and is the tank class of the game. Finally the commando has sniper rifles, knives, and the ability to turn invisible making it the spy of the game. There are also roleplaying elements if BF heroes like levels abilities and different weapons/items to by which i think add more depth to the game. Now for the bad. First of all the game takes forever to get playing. you have to go to the website, login, get the game started choose a charecter, click play now wait for the game to load, then finally you get to play. Also every thing your buy is tempory unless you spend real money. Finally you can't play with your friends unless your rent a server which again costs real money.
Graphics: 8.0
The graphics are obviously cell shaded and look pretty good. They can run on any typical computer. On they other hand they're obviously not great from a technical stand point not to mention I've experienced many graphical glitches such as the ground flasing different colors. Beutiful but buggy the graphics aren't bad
Verdict: 8.0
A fairly average battlefield game that doesn't bring much new to the series but is sill fun. Considering it's free I would recommend you download it today.