I played the Closed Beta for this game, at that time this game was totally awesome, now it's an joke...
Battlefield: Play 4 Free is an fun game and I cannot deny this. The game has some nice graphics, the sounds are decent and the gameplay could be better, but it´s solid. What makes this game terrible is the pay 2 win crap, implemented (if I am not mistaken) in the Open Beta. I played this game so much in the Closed Beta... it was really good. In the CB you could already use micro-transactions, but the guns were free and somehow easy to get. The EXP and Gold won in the final of the match was really good and made the player feel rewarded.
Today's Battlefield: Play 4 Free is no longer the game that I used to know and play. This game has become an joke and an insult to the F2P Gamers. This game is no longer fun, The EXP Ratio and Gold won in the final of an match is really low, there is no feeling of reward, unless you pay for an EXP Boost... This is lame.
The game does not forces you to waste real money, but if you don't waste some money you will probably not get those powerful items or those fancy clothes or more EXP and Gold. This makes the game totally unbalanced. Off course there are some mini games that let you try your luck to see if you get one weapon or one piece of gear, but you only have one chance, this is an good idea if everyone only got one chance, but no... If you pay real money you can play it more times...
An free user is able to create two characters (if you want more you need to pay), but you can only play with one, so... if you start an game with an team filled with snipers, you are going to have an bad time...
This is not my first F2P tittle that I review, but it´s the first game that I give an low score. I am not giving this score because the game is basically Pay to Win, but because it has some serious unbalance issues. I know that an company needs to make money from their games, but sometimes this type of business turns out to be an game breaker. In League of Legends this does not happens, and for me, LoL micro-transactions system is one of the best in the Online F2P genre, it does not unbalance or breaks the game. Some companies need to learn from these type of mistakes and learn with the successful ones.